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My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/mother-father-were-rival-spies-3459266 " Roger 'FIDO' Grosjean was a French double agent who spied on the Nazis for MI5 but little did he know his glamorous English wife Angela 'Sallie' Cross was also spying...

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My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/mother-father-were-rival-spies-3459266 " Roger 'FIDO' Grosjean was a French double agent who spied on the Nazis for MI5 but little did he know his glamorous English wife Angela 'Sallie' Cross was also spying...

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My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/mother-father-were-rival-spies-3459266 " Roger 'FIDO' Grosjean was a French double agent who spied on the Nazis for MI5 but little did he know his glamorous English wife Angela 'Sallie' Cross was also spying...

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My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/mother-father-were-rival-spies-3459266 " Roger 'FIDO' Grosjean was a French double agent who spied on the Nazis for MI5 but little did he know his glamorous English wife Angela 'Sallie' Cross was also spying...

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My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/mother-father-were-rival-spies-3459266 " Roger 'FIDO' Grosjean was a French double agent who spied on the Nazis for MI5 but little did he know his glamorous English wife Angela 'Sallie' Cross was also spying...

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My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

My mother and father were rival spies - But in the Bond films the girls don't get pregnant

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/mother-father-were-rival-spies-3459266 " Roger 'FIDO' Grosjean was a French double agent who spied on the Nazis for MI5 but little did he know his glamorous English wife Angela 'Sallie' Cross was also spying...

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Guilers : Le char de Louis Tréguer en septembre

Guilers : Le char de Louis Tréguer en septembre

http://www.ouest-france.fr-et-expositions-2417776 " Le char de Louis Tréguer en septembre À l'occasion de la cérémonie du 70e anniversaire de la libération de Guilers, deux journées commémoratives seront organisées les 27 et 28 septembre. Le char Sherman...

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"Il nous a transmis à tous l’espoir de la victoire"

"Il nous a transmis à tous l’espoir de la victoire"

"Sur notre photo, dix-neuf des trente jeunes Manchois qui ont gagné l’Angleterre, via Jersey, avec la complicité de pêcheurs." http://www.lamanchelibre.fr/actualite.fr/actualite-51041-il-nous-a-transmis-a-tous-lespoir-la-v.html : " En 1944, la majorité...

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"Figeac. Adonis Moulène raflé le 10 mai 1944"

"Figeac. Adonis Moulène raflé le 10 mai 1944"

Un sujet de la Depeche : http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2014/04/27/1870990-figeac-adonis-moulene-rafle-le-10-mai-1944.html " Les 10, 11 et 12 mai, seront commémorés les 70 ans de la Rafle et des actes d'exactions de la division Das Reich, à Figeac et...

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Le documentaire ” Les Français du Jour J” sera diffusé sur France 3

Source : http://lhistoireenrafale.blogs.lunion.presse.fr/2014/04/22/le-documentaire-les-francais-du-jour-j-sera-diffuse-sur-france-3/ "“Les Français du jour J” tel est le titre d’un film de Cédric Condon écrit par l’historien Jean-Yves Le Naour avec la...

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